Looking Back: Burkina Faso - Personal Stories

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When possible, we love to include personal stories from members of the communities affected by African Well Fund Projects. Here are a couple from the AWF's first project in Burkina Faso:

Binta Kabore, pictured carrying the basin in the photo below lives in Gbegue, a hamlet of Karangasso-Vigue.

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She says:

"Thanks to Africare and AWF for having constructed this well that has provided a better quality of water than that of the traditional well we were using before. In addition to our present safe drinking water, we are also using clean water for our gardening purposes thanks to the pump with pedals which the project also granted to us. May God give to Africare and AWF the necessary funds to continue helping us and other people."

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Millogo Demesoun, the villager on the right in the photo below is the recipient of a gardening site in Gbegue.

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He says:

"The actions of the project are benefiting each person in our district. Indeed, women and men were traveling long distances (3 km) to fetch drinking water using the traditional wells. Farmers, including myself, were excited to garden, but unfortunately, in November, the wells were running dry. Thanks to AWF and Africare we were provided with 2 wells. The people of our district now have safe drinking water, water for their gardens to plant in any season and as a result vegetables are constantly available. Thanks to the pumps with pedals, fetching water becomes easy. Heartfelt thanks to the donors, and may God give them more financial means so that they can always help us".

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This page contains a single entry by Elizabeth published on October 15, 2012 9:26 PM.

Looking Back: The African Well Fund in Burkina Faso, 2007 was the previous entry in this blog.

Looking Back: The African Well Fund in Ghana is the next entry in this blog.

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