The Birthday Card - Page 3

Bono, have a wonderful 43rd birthday!
With love, Carmella Smith


One Love,
Cammie Wheeler


Hello My Dear Bono from Cetta of Bologna, Italy...
Time ago I sent a letter to you and your family. As I told in the letter I and my husband have adopted to distance a little babe who lives in Kacheliba, Kenya. We really hope to help that babe!!!!
Abraham (his name) has a family, but they are reallypoor people so that he doesn’t have the
possibility to go to school and for this we will take care of ... By the missonary people who live there ... Besides of this we send to he other help for him and his family. We are very happy to help Abraham and in the meantime hope that our help came to him!!!
We haven’t much of possiblity but in our own small way we try to help him and his family. We really know that a lot of people need help for everything and we wish that could be other people like us to help them whichever way!

This is out gift for you and we really hope that you enjoy it because we are! We sent you a photo of him. Now we say you bye, and remember that we love you, after all I Concetta...
Take care
Cetta E Mauro
Happy Birthday Bono!


Happy birthday Paul,
thank you for your songs, thank you for your strength,
thank you for everything you do... Everywhere you should go,
Claudio Pini


May all the good you do come back to you. blessed be you and your loved ones. happy birthday! 
Love is the answer
Cheri Casey


Have a great birthday, enjoy the craic!
Whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it'.
Clare Bailey.



My husband and I wanted to wish a happy birthday, we are donating to the Africa Well Fund however we didn't get the donation form until after the deadline for your birthday gift.  We just wanted you to know that we did
donation and to keep up the wonderful work.  We are looking forward to the band's next album
Love from your fans,
Debby Schnedler and Mike Parker



I love your music, I love all that you do,
and I love U2.
Hope you have the best birthday ever!
From two really big fans,
Dale & Mark Prairie


Happy Birthday! Thank you for helping all of us to
believe that we can make the world a better place.
Devlin Smith, USA


Happy Birthday, Bono!!
May the Lord bless and keep you always;
And may all your dreams be realized...
Le meas, mo bhrathair ~ Slainte mhath!
God Bless & Shine On,
Vertue ~ Virtus praemium est optimum;
virtus omnibus rebus anteit profecto;
libertas salus vita res et parentes, patria et prognati
tutantur, servantur: virtus omnia in sese habet,
omnia adsunt bona quem penest virtus.
Donna Henry, Scottsdale, Arizona


Bono -
Hats off to your family and bandmates for sharing you with us for all of these years. I can't imagine living through the past 23 years without you being a part of my life. Except for the smoking, drinking, and cursing, I couldn't think of a better role model. *Said with a laugh and a wink*
Many thanks to you and Paul O'Neill for making that trek to Africa. Without the documentary of that trip, the African Well Fund would never have been born. It is very true that God works in mysterious ways. I feel very blessed to be a part of this movement. Thank you for the inspiration.
Continued blessings to you, your family, and your band.
Elizabeth Beech


My Dear Bono: My name is Evelyn Erlij, I’m 18 years old and I’m from Santiago, Chile. You cannot imagine how glad I feel of having this chance to write you a little message for your birthday!
It’s one of the greatest honours I’ve had in my whole life.
First of all, I wish you a very happy birthday! I hope you like the present we all wanted to give you. I put all my heart into this project because I think it’s the most wonderful gift you could receive.
One of my dreams was to be able to write you a letter. In some way, my dream is coming true now. There’re so many things I’d love to tell you. But the most important it’s to thank you. Thank you so much for writing the soundtrack of my whole life. There’s always a U2 song for every moment of my life …
You could not believe what that means to me. You said once you can’t change the world with a song, but you can change the world in us. And that’s what you have done to me.
I also want to thank you for putting all your strength and effort into the Africa cause. There’re so many celebrities in this world. Can you imagine the way this world could be if they all had the heart and the will you have? But then you see how selfish they are. Africa needs us now! Hopefully, there are people like us that don’t want to be blind to this
reality. It doesn’t matter I live so faraway from the most
powerful countries or Africa. I want to be part of this cause too, although I live in “the end of the world”.
I wish you could tell me something about what I think.
But the most important thing to me is that you read this.
That is what counts.
I send you a kiss and a hug from Chile, “El fin del mundo”!
Happy birthday, Bono!
Wishing you the best with all my heart,
Evelyn Erlij


DMF in Halifax


Bono, Thanks for all you’ve done for your fans and for humanity.
Happy Birthday!
Donna Smith Aliso Viejo, CA USA


- best wishes, keep on rockin!  D & D


I hope the water wells that we will build in Africa because of the Loving Compassion you have shown our Mother Continent will help to make this your most JOY-filled birthday yet!
Thank You for over TWO decades of great music (the best) and daily inspiration.
God will bless you always, Africa’s Angel!
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will success. (Proverbs 16:3)


Happy Birthday, Bono!
Dana L. Mazzaro


Thank you for your example of pragmatic activism. I find it tremendously inspiring. Have a very Happy Birthday!
Diane Yoder
Oh and thank you for Kite!



Happy Birthday, Bono, I hope you realize what a
difference you a making in people's lives, not only in Africa but worldwide, by raising our awareness to other people in need. Once again, Happy Birthday and May There Be Many Healthy,
Happy years ahead. 
Debbie Baker


In solidarity and love,
elizabeth from North Dakota, USA


Thanks for being you. Thanks for doing what you do. And thanks for the memories of hearing you play “When I Look at the World” for my friends and I. It’s still one of the greatest highlights of my life. I hope you like your present from all of us.
Happy Birthday!
Erin Pope, Sioux City, Iowa



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