From May 1st to May 31st the African Well Fund invites U2 fans and others who are inspired by Bono’s tireless activism on behalf of Africa to donate to the 20th Annual Build a Well for Bono’s Birthday fundraiser in honor of Bono’s 62nd birthday.

The 19 previous campaigns have raised over $296,000 in Bono’s honor to fund the construction of clean water and sanitation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa which are benefiting more than 79,000 people in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

This year’s campaign marks a return to AWF’s partnership with long-time partners Africare in their new iteration as PanAfricare. PanAfricare is an independent non-profit organization, established in July 2020, with its Headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. This year we aim to raise $20,000 to build water access points in eight towns in the department of Podor in Senegal. These access points will make water available for drinking, sanitation, and gardening to over 13,000 Senegalese community members. It’s a big ask, but we like to dream big! $20,000 for our twentieth anniversary!

Once you’ve donated at the above link, be sure to sign the card with a personal birthday message to Bono!

We’re stronger together. Use our images to spread the word among friends and family on all your social media channels – together, we can make a difference!