Make Online Purchases to Support AWF This Holiday Season
Your online purchases this holiday season from the African Well Fund, its supporters and affiliates will help AWF raise money to fund clean water and sanitation projects in sub-Saharan Africa. To purchase well shares and limited-edition prints in the AWF online store,...
Artists Selling Holiday Cards to Benefit AWF
Elsha Stockseth and Lara Wineman are selling holiday cards this season and donating a portion of their sales to the African Well Fund. This is the sixth year that Stockseth has sold her cards to benefit AWF. Her design for 2012 features a surfing snowman and the...
AWF Launches Got Water? Auction Today
The African Well Fund's eighth annual Got Water? online auction kicks off today, Nov. 5, at noon Pacific time and will run through next Monday, Nov. 12. Proceeds from the auction will benefit clean water and sanitation projects in sub-Saharan Africa. This year's...
Help AWF Celebrate Raising $1 Million
This has been a momentous year for the African Well Fund. Not only is AWF celebrating its 10th anniversary, but is also celebrating raising more than $1 million in that time. To mark this fundraising milestone, AWF is asking the people who actually made this...
African Well Fund Celebrates 10 Years of ‘Building Hope … One Well at a Time’
In October 2002, MTV aired the special "Diary of Bono & Chris Tucker: Aiding Africa," which detailed a trip Bono, actor Chris Tucker and then-U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill took to Africa that spring. The episode showed the positive impacts aid and other...
African Well Fund Celebrates 10 Years of 'Building Hope … One Well at a Time'
img alt="African Well Fund 10th Birthday.jpg" src="" width="640" height="478" class="mt-image-none" style="" /> In October 2002, MTV aired the special "Diary of Bono & Chris Tucker: Aiding...
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