Looking Back: The African Well Fund in Niger, 2008
By far the largest nation in West Africa, Niger was 5,000 years ago covered in fertile grasslands, home to pastoralists who passed on a culture stretching back to at least 10,000 BCE. Their rock paintings show the complex lifestyle of so many years previous, with...
Looking Back: Kyasimire Evaleen
Sixteen-year-old Kyasimire Evaleen, a student at Ruhama Secondary School, was excited to be among the female students benefiting from an improved latrine and water tank near the school's dormitories. In her own words: "After classes we would climb the Ruhaama hill to...
AWF Seeking Items for Got Water? Auction
The African Well Fund will host the eighth annual Got Water? online auction Nov. 5-12 and is currently looking for items to include in this year's auction. If you have any items you'd like to donate to the auction, such as signed items, memorabilia and artwork, please...
Looking Back: The African Well Fund in Uganda, 2010
The first week in our 'Looking Back' series featured Uganda, a country where the African Well Fund has funded four projects. With a population of 25 million, as few as 30 percent of whom have access to safe water, there's much room for growth. In 2010, AWF partnered...
Looking Back: The African Well Fund in Mali, 2010
Last week we looked at the African Well Fund's first project in Mali. In 2010 we had the opportunity to continue this work, helping to fund further wells in the areas served by Africare's Goundam Food Security Initiative. Two of these wells - those at Tinbaradjen and...
AWF Seeks Donations for New Mali Project
Over at the blog we've been looking at past projects completed with the generous support of AWF donors over the years. But now, we look ahead: We at the African Well Fund are pleased to announced our newest project which seeks to provide over 1,800 students and...
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