Project Summary
Six wells were constructed through this project, which was funded by the sixth Build a Well for Bono’s Birthday fundraiser, with the aim of increasing access to potable water in the community and reducing incidences of waterborne illnesses.
Mariama Walett is one of the most dynamic women in the village of Saobomo, and had long been looking for a way to get a new well in the village. The single well they had before did not have sufficient water for the 950 inhabitants of the village, and would even go dry for part of the year. As a women’s leader, her efforts to get a new well surpassed even those of the village chief. When AWF made it possible to dig this new well in her village, she volunteered to head the village water and sanitation committee. Thanks to her efforts, the entire village came together to work on the well with the masons until it was finished. After the water had been tested and declared fit for human consumption, she was given the honour, before the village chief, to draw the first bucket of water from the well. She drank from it, and declared to the crowd:
“This is the happiest day in my life. We have waited so long to get this well and now it’s a reality. Thanks to those who made it possible for us. Thanks to Africare and its partners for this gift of life to our village. Thanks for giving us life, because water is life.”
Project Details
Area Mali Goundam
Work Completed 2009
People Served :11,500
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