Project Summary
This project provided the village population with clean drinking water through the rehabilitation of a well. In 1985, the construction of the well was stopped at a depth of 95 meters without reaching ground water; a second well was constructed in 2001. The latter had been broken down for almost two (2) years without being able to be repaired. Therefore the population had to travel for miles in search of water.
Fortunately, Africare, in collaboration with African Well Fund (AWF), continued drilling on the old well and ensuring management of the surface by cleaning around the well as well as making pumping water less painful by installing six pulleys.
On Tuesday May 6, 2008, labourers were relaxing under the biggest tree of the village after a hot day of work when they heard a big noise like that of a fired weapon. The villagers ran to the well and upon seeing the water exclaimed, “We have water!” jumping and shouting with happiness. Food was cooked by the village women for the labourers and neighbouring villagers who came to share in their happiness, followed by the largest feast that the village has ever prepared. Words of thanks were expressed to Africare and the African Well Fund by all the villagers. “Our water problem is ended forever. All our thanks to the African Well Fund and Africare,” said 117-year-old village head who had a drink of water and showered himself with a sample of water coming directly from the well.
Project Details
Area Niger Tsamia Region
Work Completed 2008
People Served 3,000
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