The African Well Fund raised $10,379.32 in the 12th Annual Build a Well for Bono’s Birthday fundraiser. Over the past twelve campaigns, AWF has raised over $235,000 to fund clean water and sanitation projects in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
This year’s fundraiser benefited a community-based water and sanitation project in the Ebo municipality of the Kwanza Sul Province in Angola. Implemented by our partner Africare, the project aims to increase access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation for more than 12,000 people living in these communities.
AWF is extremely grateful to all who took the time to donate, tweet, and share with their friends. A special thanks as well to our friends at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church for hosting a ‘U2charist’ which brought in over $2000.00 for the campaign.
There is no them- there’s only us!