Thank you for supporting the African Well Fund’s candlelight vigil.
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About Us
African Well Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funding for building and maintaining clean water and sanitation projects across sub-Saharan Africa.
Contact Info
African Well Fund
P.O. Box 9486
Schenectady, NY 12309-0486
In honor of those who are suffering.
For the millions who don’t have access to the drugs they need to fight this disease and the many more who have fought it.
In honor of those who remind us what strength, love, family, friends and priorities really are.
In honor of those who have died from AIDS, you have not been forgotten. You live on for ever in our hearts and souls.
in honor of chris, i’ll never forget you
In honor of all those who have been affected by AIDS especially those who are not getting the treatment they need.
May people stop dying of a preventable disease.
A prayer that people all over the world suffering from AIDS can get the resources they need to fight the disease.
In memory of Pedro, Ryan & Freddie.
For the more than 5 milions that loose their lives with AIDS in India
A prayer…one prayer at a time.
In memory of John and for all those still suffering
A candle to light the world of those who live with this preventable disease in darkness.
Lighting this Candle for the World to see. To share Education and Awarness that this dreaded disease is still there. And is hoping that someday there will be a cure.
In Memory of Freddie Mercury
In memory of all we have lost and in honor of all those who suffer, with hope for a cure
In honour of all who are affected by AIDS
My Prayers are with those you are suffering from this horrible disease.
To all those suffering and affected by AIDS, and the millions who have fought it. We will never forget you Freddie.
In memory of those we have loved and lost.
For Freddie and all those we have lost…
Peace be unto those affected by this horrible disease.
To all who are suffering, we are with you in our hearts.
Love and respect to those who have succumbed and to those who are living with AIDS.
We are one but not the same. We’ve got to carry each other….
In memory of Don Michael and a hope for a cure.
Our prayers are with those who suffer …
R.I.P. Freddie Mercury – gone from us 14 years.
Long Live Queen
God Bless.
I pray the Healing Light will embrace and comfort everyone who is suffering.
In memory of Freddie Mercury and all who died and are living with HIV/AIDS.
ONE voice, ONE person, ONE hope.
For everyone who is suffering. One heart, One hope, One love.
For everyone. In memory of Freddie. We still love you.
Keep on fighting.
For Freddie and all who are affected by AIDS all over the world.
A cure is out there…it must be found. We can’t afford to lose anymore wonderful people.
For hope, strength, love, compassion, understanding and health.
God bless all who have suffered and are suffering from this terrible plight. We WILL defeat it.
For those we have lost and the strength of those still fighting. Light this candle in hope.
For all those that know, all that don’t, and all that can’t do anything about it. For knowledge and sympathy to outshine bureaucracy and defeat.
God bless all who’ve been affected by this terrible disease and here’s hoping we have a vaccine soon.
there’s no them, there’s only us.
There are no words for this…
I light this candle for Freddie Mercury. I also remember the incrdible plight of the people in Africa who are dealing with this human tragedy. My thoughts go out to the friends and families of people who are affected by this terrible disease.
This is for my little Jade who passed away on June 8 2005 of Pancoasts Syndrome . She was only 8 yrs old and full of life. She was a sweet precious little girl.She is now an angel.
This candle is for Freddie. Taken way too soon by this terrible disease. Take care people, it can happen to all of us!
This is for everyone. It’s for those already infected. It’s for those who have lost their lives to AIDS. It’s for all the relatives of the victims. It’s for all those who will be infected. But it’s also for all those who can do something about it. That is everyone.
For John, Karen, Steven, Tracie, and all the other HIV/AIDS patients we lost before we could find the cure.
a candle for those who are suffering, for those who fight against it and for the hope in finding a cure in future.
In memory and hope.
Strength, love, and hope.
For Shawn
For all those suffering from the horrific disease. For Freddie, we’ll always love you.
Be well. Peace.
Help put a stop to this awful disease.
It’s killed so many people.
Especially Freddie Mercury. My Hero.
In honour of the guy who came to talk to us in grade eight about AIDS, and to all others suffering this terrible disease. Peace on earth
For everyone who this horrible disease has affected.
Here’s to finding a cure.
In memory of all those who have died and for the hope that no more have to
In memory of Mark who was affected by AIDS and all those who loved and adored him, we still do.
One person, one voice, one vote at a time – to make a better, safer world for all.
“How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? And how many deaths will it take ’till he knows that too many people have died?” -Bob Dylan “Blowin’ In The Wind”
Praying for a cure for HIV/AIDS!!!
For the little ones, dying from AIDS.
And for Donna, greatful her lymph nodes are cancer-free.
And the zootopians who are ill, sad, tired, and battleweary; God bless everyone. . . . .
In memory of my late husband, Kerry, who lived his life with courage, love and optimism that he would live to see the cure.
Unfortunately, he lost his battle, but I know he’s watching from Heaven and is excited about the progress made in this fight.
For Bob and Terry.
In memoriam
In Memory of Christian G.
For persistance, determination, and hope
For all the sniffly noses and dirty faces, dancing through this tragedy. You have changed my world, and the pain won’t go away. Until things are better, you have my heart.
For Africa
For hope, health, love, and treatment.
For hope.
For all people suffering from this horrible disease. And for those who lost the fight… But especially for Freddie…
For Freddie and everyone who has lost there life to this awful disease. I hope they find a cure soon before more lives are broken.
Freddie Mercury long my ur candle burn brightly in our hearts! 🙂 And God Bless to all those affected by this disease!
For a hope, love, and a cure.
In Prayer
May God bring hope, cure and happiness for all the AIDS patients
To all in memory and all suffering. Lets find a cure. Be strong
with the absence of a cure, let’s all work towards protection and prevention.
Let’s pray for a cure.
For anyone affected by this disease.
Let’s find a cure.
Peace and love
For those who are infected or love someone who is.
May God bring hope, cure, and happiness for all the Aids patients.
I hope that some day we can find a cure for this horrible dissease!
light & love
May God bless you all. Rest in Peace my dear brother “Geraldo”
One day there will be a cure.
Good Bless everyone affected by this disease.
God Bless
We will find a cure.
i love you all.
For a cure
Everyday until there’s a cure…
In loving memory of all those that were claimed by this disease.
for hope for a cure.
World AIDS day.
for everyone affected
Majic Johnson has the cure and is not sharing it.
For my uncle, a victim of this tragic disease. And for hope of a cure
In loving memory…
for Peter Riding and Gene Ediger
I miss you both
Now is the time to think of the ones we have lost to this horrible disease…
For Newton.
this one is for paul
In loving memory of my favorite uncle Herman “Chopo” Toledo… He fought this awful disease until the very last minute. I love you and I miss you. RIP
For all those who have lost their lives and are struggling with this horrible disease. May we soon find a cure so we can stop counting the lives lost and starting counting the lives SAVED. God bless you all.
this is for my friends who fought an honourable fight
In tribute to my dear friends Mark Charles and Freddie McMurray.
in tribute to all of those whose life is affected…
in memory of Jonathan Larson and all he did for AIDS awareness.
Let’s find a cure and stop the worlwide spread.
light a candle
we all miss you johnny and jeff
in memory of Johnny and Jeff Kahl
lets keep fighting this…..
May this help to light your way…
God Bless
For Mike
God Bless Africa
Everyday is AIDS day
For the Future
For everyone suffering, especially those in Africa.
For my mom Ebelise Colon and step-dad Jose Natal.
light it!
Light a candle….
For all those who have passed.
This is for Jay Todd… you’re gone, but never, ever forgotten!!!!
silence = death
For Frank DePaul. God Bless.
until there’s a cure…
For everyone who suffers. I’m sorry.
never forget that this disease effects millions of people and it does not discriminate
For my best friend Greg Dobney. Who passed away this Septmeber. I love and miss you.
For Hope, love, the future, and a cure…
Please light a candle…
We must never be silent.
For David. We miss you and love you.
For Uncle Joe. One year on the 13th. We miss you doll.
a light to guide our lost souls to eternal rest. silence=death
to remember, to honour and to always hope…
For all
for hope
For all who suffer
For Buddy. I’ll never forget you and the impact you had on my life.
One world, one cure, one peace!
If we don’t do it, who will?
Kylie Wyotee & Joe. I love you both!
For the hope of a cure……..
one love
for hope
For hope to find a cure and love
God Bless.
go candle
Until it’s gone…
for the ones to come.
Every day is World AIDS Day.
for all
Don’t loose hope or faith they are your strongest allies
For all
let hope bring you home.
light up
Hope and Love for all those people who have been touched by this disease. May God Bless Us All.
For you, John.
AIDS still exists because of negligent, uncaring politicians who couldn’t comprehend it’s severity unless someone close to them were dying from the disease. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that it is a disease that doesn’t discriminate. Despite all the ignorance that plagues the leaders our world, I do see a time where we’ll finally be able to manage this curse that has taken the lives of our friends and loved ones. God Bless Everyone.
For Tommy
For everyone.
For Awareness
For everyone, with love
end it
for humanity
You’re never alone.
In Peace, Hope & Love.
For Bik, get well soon
everyday is world aids day
In loving memory of the millions of lives already lost to AIDS and in commitment to improve the lives of the millions of children left orphaned, I light this candle.
peace, hope and love for all. God Bless
To peace!
In memory of all those who lost the battle to AIDS and those fighting the battle right now
In memory of Patrick & Jim
Keep fighting!!
This candle is for my sister Ebelise. When I see a rainbow I see you. Missing you always.
**No day but today**
In Loving Memory
Steve, you can still make me laugh like crazy just by remembering you. I love & miss you.
live forever
for humanity
We have to rid the world of this disease. Entire generations are dying.
**with love**
Keep going…..never stop living
With hope in my heart.
fight aids!
For Freddie Mercury, today and always
for all the people who died….rest in peace.
for all the people who died….rest in peace.
let’s hope this is the last world aids day and there will be a cure
here’s to hoping for a cure.
For everyone who died of this horrible disease… RIP
Here’s to renewed hope and continued vigilance in this most valiant and worthy fight
R.I.P. For everyone who has passed away!
For everyone who has suffered with AIDS.
for the suffering to end…
for a new hope..
in loving memory for those who lost their loved ones & in hope that a cure can be found.
god bless
in remembrance
Let us never be silent…In rememberance and with LOVE
in memory of…
Praying for a cure
For continued hope & light*
I, for one, won’t not stop the fight.
Do it for HOPE
hope for the future.
Find the CURE.
we all have a responsibility to hope love
We need to find a cure to AIDS as it is taking over the lives of too many innocent people.
This has to stop
In hope of finding a cure
prayers for everyone affected by this disease and for a cure
With Love . . .
Actual Reality. Act Up. Fight AIDS.
Acceptance. Understanding. Love. Knowledge. Hope. Never forget those who have lost their lives to this terrible disease. Support those who are battling it now. And pray for a CURE.
love is what we need.
With love and great hope
For Hope
maybe one day…
For those whom we’ve lost and those we will lose – let us hope that we’ll soon lose no more.
I hope everyone tries 2 help with this amazing cause
i’ll aid in finding a cure ok can?
for now we can just support the infect
together we can conquer aids
together we can find a cure
let’s try to find for a cure..
pray for the better future..
let’s fight AIDS..
for those who affected..
Together we can find a cure.
For Hope
Love, peace and hope.
One day. For all those gone,for those yet to go. But most of all for those we can save. Hope springs eternal.
As long as there is happiness and laughter in the world, we’ll get through this together.
For a Cure.
For those who had this disease and perished, have it now, or will get it some day… we pray for you every day. Nobody is immune.
For those who are affected/infected…. all of us
In hopes of finding a cure soon.
To those who are infected and have passed on.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. “-Psalm 27:218
to all the suffering a prayer for a cure…to the rest of the world, a prayer for awareness and action
God please grant us a cure and please bless all those who are suffering.
for peace and comfort to all those who are suffering
For Uncle Thom as well as all of the aids victims around the world
Everyday is World AIDS Day
god bless.
for those who have faded away from us your memory still burns, for those who suffer now may your light never burn out. God bless and all the prayers in the world that a cure is found soon.
In honor of those who have past…we still think sbout you everyday!
For Hope, Love, and Remembrance.
I wish comfort for anyone affected by this devastating disease, alive or not.
No day but today.
Make a difference!
One day we’ll have a cure
For tolerance, acceptance, love and strength.
Everyday is a challenge but in the end the prize will be shown. Have faith, keep strong.
Much Love
There is no day like the presence
Stay Aware.
A smile a day helps the pain go away
Peace, Love, and Health.
God bless all the millions of AIDS orphans in Africa and all of us affected by this horrible disease
in memory of those that have died god bless u all
Live each day like it’s your last
Help to find a cure.
May this moment be the beginning of a better life for us all!!!
In honor of Michael Miles.
For all of those living with AIDS and for those who have passed from it. Many blessings to all.
For hope!
This day is also my birthday. I’m encouraged and hopeful. The Lord will make it right.
For all those who have passed and those who are living
For hope and tolerance
To finding a cure
For hope.
For hope and tolerance.
This candle is for my brother, and a dear friend
Para Esperanza (for Hope)
For all people that passed and those who are affected by this disease.
Everyday should be World AIDS Day!
This candle is for the mother of one of my closest friend GOD BLESS
that the number who die because of ignorance and apathy dwindle
Every day is world AIDS day… hoping for a cure for those living and dying.
so we won’t forget.
for Gene….
For Freddie Mercury and all the people with AIDS. Hope to find a cure.
Silence = Death. We must never be silent.
For a Cure…
For Freddie Mercury